Plant 2x Faster
A masterpiece of engineering. The planter of the future is in your shed today. SpeedTube allows you to increase your speed and ensure spacing accuracy, while maximizing your planting window. Designed with performance, durability, and ease-of-use as the core objectives.
Focused on the perfect plant – and speed.
SpeedTube has broken seed tube convention. Planting with SpeedTube enables accurate seed spacing at any speed — regular seed tubes just can’t handle going faster. Take control of your best planting window at double your speed.
The secret is in the flighted belt that takes gravity out of the equation. There’s no opportunity for seeds to ricochet into the trench. Even at twice the speed you normally plant, every seed arrives safely at the bottom of the trench, spaced evenly, every time.
So the perfect plant spacing is attainable, while Maximizing that perfect planting window.
Hitting your planting window just got easier.
Upsize Or Upgrade?
There can be huge costs to upsizing a planter. Why do that when you can get even more performance out of your existing planter with the right set up? SpeedTube allows you to plant right when you want to, so you don’t miss that perfect planting window. Fast and accurate planting, at the right time. Contact a Precision Planting dealer for complete details.
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