20/20 SeedSense
You can make a real difference during planting if you can pay attention to your planter:
20/20 SeedSense makes it happen.
With its color-coded, touchscreen display, you’ll spot any errors in down force, spacing and singulation immediately. You’ll zero in on the source. You’ll check it out. You’ll fix it. And you’ll move on, confident that you’re doing everything you can to plant profitably.
More precise than any other monitor, 20/20 SeedSense tells you what you need to know about population, skips, doubles, speed, row unit ride, down force and ground contact. It enables you to seed precisely, maintain depth, avoid compaction and troubleshoot mechanical problems.
20/20 SeedSense is easy to use, too. The main screen summarizes everything. The most important metrics are the largest. Green means go, yellow means caution, red means stop and fix whatever’s wrong. Just tap the screen and you’ll see row-by-row details, so you know where to look.
Are you in control?
Control Is Knowledge & Execution
Knowing what your planter is actually doing is the only way to make your best planting run. Once you know what is required for the best pass, can you execute it? The right information and tools make all the difference.
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